Wednesday 24 December 2014

Car ride done and we survived!

It was off to the outlet mall this morning. We were blown away by the size of the place, really needed a whole day there, though that would have been more expensive. We got snow boots and goggles for the boys, some shoes and clothes, bit of a spend up really, so many bargains! Then we hit the freeway and the sluggish traffic, what should have taken an hour, took almost 3! Anyway, we got here, sorted our train tickets and returned the car. We have changed plans slightly and will stay here 2 days, then head to LA late Christmas day. Boys very excited about Disneyland, we'll brave the Christmas day crowds too. A big merry Christmas to you all for tomorrow, we are a day behind you. May be a couple of days before we have the chance to blog again as will be very late tomorrow night. Love to everyone xxxx


Anonymous said...

A very Merry Christmas to you all!
We are thinking of you on the cold side of the world as we look forward to 24 degrees of lovely sunshine.
Impressive that you safely found your way across LA in all that traffic. We hope that Grant's " rank" gets you onto all the rides etc without too much waiting. The Fire Brigade stuff sounded exciting. May you not need too much rescuing.
I can remember that first time I was at Disneyland, wishing that my children, including Mum, we're with me.
Do have great fun & bring back plenty of memories.
Love to all,
Glrandma & Pa

Anonymous said...

Hey is that citadel you went to? I went there on my trip to LA! massive outlet isn't it! The Nike and under-armour stores were huge! No doubt Tim and Jack were gaping at the amount of sport brands they managed to cram into the space! Boy heaven!
From Chiara