Tuesday 17 April 2012

So much fun was had at Rainbow's End

 That's us in the yellow carriage, I'm the one in the back with my eyes squeezed shut, screaming my head off. Tim was beside me, also eyes shut, but much quieter and Rohan and Jack were in front, loving every minute of it.
 We all did the Fear Fall as our last ride of the day. From the top to the bottom of this tower in what felt like 2 seconds. Yes, I was screaming again and I left all my insides at the top of the tower. The boys all loved it.
 This is the wee kids version of the Fear Fall, only this one gently goes up and down. Jack, Tim, Rohan and Anishka are in the middle.
 One on Grant's highlights was the bumper boats, there was lots of crashing and splashing.

That's us all, totally exhilarated after our afternoon of thrill seeking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This looks like lots of fun if your not a scaredy cat like me
